So long Marianne…


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Leonard_Cohen_Songs-from-a-roomMarianne Ihlen, l’égérie norvégienne de Leonard Cohen, celle qui figure au dos de l’album Song from a Room en 1969 où elle trône face à la machine à écrire de Leonard dans leur petite case grecque d’Hydra, celle qui reçut cette inoubliable chanson So Long, Marianne comme cadeau de rupture, Marianne vient de mourir d’un cancer à l’âge de 81 ans. Leonard Cohen lui a adressé un ultime signe d’affection :

« Marianne it’s come to this time when we are really so old and our bodies are falling apart and I think I will follow you very soon. Know that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can reach mine. And you know that I’ve always loved you for your beauty and your wisdom, but I don’t need to say anything more about that because you know all about that. But now, I just want to wish you a very good journey. Goodbye old friend. Endless love, see you down the road.”

« Marianne, le temps où nous sommes si vieux et où nos corps s’effondrent est venu, et je pense que je vais te suivre très bientôt. Sache que je suis si près derrière toi que si tu tends la main, je pense que tu pourras atteindre la mienne. Tu sais que je t’ai toujours aimée pour ta beauté et ta sagesse, je n’ai pas besoin d’en dire plus à ce sujet car tu sais déjà tout cela. Maintenant, je veux seulement te souhaiter un très bon voyage. Adieu, ma vieille amie. Mon amour éternel, nous nous reverrons. »

Leur ami commun Jan Mollestad a répondu ainsi à M. Cohen :

« Dear Leonard
Marianne slept slowly out of this life yesterday evening. Totally at ease, surrounded by close friends.

Your letter came when she still could talk and laugh in full consciousness. When we read it aloud, she smiled as only Marianne can. She lifted her hand, when you said you were right behind, close enough to reach her.

It gave her deep peace of mind that you knew her condition. And your blessing for the journey gave her extra strength. Jan and her friends who saw what this message meant for her, will all thank you in deep gratitude for replying so fast and with such love and compassion.

It gave her deep peace of mind that you knew her condition. And your blessing for the journey gave her extra strength. Jan and her friends who saw what this message meant for her, will all thank you in deep gratitude for replying so fast and with such love and compassion.

In her last hour I held her hand and hummed Bird on a Wire, while she was breathing so lightly. And when we left her room, after her soul had flown out of the window for new adventures, we kissed her head and whispered your everlasting words

So long, Marianne »

La vie continue malgré tout et Leonard Cohen publie actuellement un nouveau disque You Want It Darker. Quel artiste !

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